H: Now in my knowledge of working with data here on the planet, both qualitative and quantitative, with two research-based degrees, I’ve learned that you can have a lot of information, say all the results of a national census, and your job as a researcher is to query the data in a way that’s going to be useful. And the answers you get have a lot to do with how you query the data. What do you go looking for? What associations do you choose to study? Even in numerical data, a different researcher would draw different conclusions from the data. Is there an analogy in how to work with the Cosmic Wiki?
K (laughing): I’m hearing that line, “Figures lie and liars figure.” (Then she went into channelling mode.) Even the data that you collect on this planet is not pure. It is too often influenced by the people requesting the data or the people in charge of the data, and it can be subtly or even blatantly manipulated to further personal interests.
The data that we manage is based on lived experience, on lived events, on experience without being contaminated by preference. The principle of the scientific method is pure but the execution not always pure.
K spoke as herself: I don’t know if this is me thinking: in the last census in the United States, they’re just now discovering that that they missed large sections of non-white population. (Back to channelling mode.)
Imagine the type of minds that created the scientific method. That tried to create a process that would bring you to an undeniable and accurate result. The intent was pure; the execution is so often tainted or influenced by the intention of the scientists, of the people carrying out the experiments.
H: And even the ones paying the scientists to do the job.
K: So many of your tools are misused by people and organizations with a strong propensity for greed.
When the scientific method is used with pure curiosity and an openness to accept whatever results appear, it is more in line with the original intention of the methodology.
K spoke as herself: I don’t know if who’s giving me this – what is that scientific principle about influencing something just by observation?
H: The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. Observation affects the result.
H: If someone’s motivated by greed and is trying to access this Repository of Knowledge, what kind of results are they likely to get? Would they think of doing it? Would they do it? Do they try?
K: Some have succeeded and used information for personal gain and even that experience becomes integrated into our database. Our database is offered but not controlled. The information is more accessible and useful to higher spirits, but not inaccessible to powerful spirits regardless of their intention. All is recorded. We would be looking at the behaviour of such individuals and incorporating that into our Repository as well as the behaviour and actions of individuals who wish to use this for the greater good.
H: Would there be any particular karmic implications for using it in self-serving ways?
K: Yes and no. The database has no karma. It is not as simple as you would like it to be. The timeline on your planet is quite complex and is constantly changing based on the acts of as little as one person and as much as an entire country, or religion, so we feel you are saying: Will someone suffer if they misuse this information? They will not suffer because they misuse the information. They will suffer because of who they are and their own values that cause them to do this. They are already suffering.

Heather is a Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT, BQH) practitioner, working with clients online and in person in Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia.