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Downloads & Belief Systems

Downloads & Belief Systems

How belief systems have ended up creating division rather than uniting people, and how true downloads transcend belief systems.

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A Reason for Being

A Reason for Being

Facilitating quantum healing hypnosis sessions brings me to ikigai more than anything else I’ve ever done.

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A Reason for Being

A Reason for Being

Facilitating quantum healing hypnosis sessions brings me to ikigai more than anything else I’ve ever done.

Free Will

Free Will

Download: It was explained to me that the battle that’s going on is really about free will. It was very clear. The agreement on Earth is to endow humans with free will. (In this discussion, no comparison is made with other living species and their free will. We're...



The thread of attention connects our experiences to our unique sense of self. When that thread gets broken, one can get hopelessly lost. The remedy is Grace.

Getting her Wings Back

Getting her Wings Back

A BQH session story in which the client learned that she can just be the Light that she is, and not work so hard. We also did some surrogate healing. Listen to video or read it yourself.



To help people cope with the confusion taking place as what we believe is true breaks down.

Wakana Taka

Wakana Taka

A message about staying in the flow and avoiding getting bogged down in side issues.

The Dance of the Light

The Dance of the Light

Reflections on reflections in a Yucatan Cenote.  The stone steps led down into the earth. We entered silently, senses wide open. Eyes adjusting….

Carriers of the Light

Carriers of the Light

In this excerpt from a QHHT session, the client’s Council, a group of high guides who advise us between lives, is speaking. At first they are observing the soul who became known as Jesus. They Council explain that while in the past, individuals who carried that Light were few, today there are many, and awakening to embody the Light is available to all, without regard to religious doctrine.

Singing a song to Gaia

Singing a song to Gaia

A charming excerpt from a session with a first-timer on Earth who met a spirit who encouraged him to come to Earth and showed him how, and later became an important person in his life.

Pleiadian Attunements

Pleiadian Attunements

Life in an Earth body can be a challenge for someone whose soul did not evolve here. Many channeled sources say that there are many souls on Earth today whose “home” world is in the Pleiades. This client got a Pleiadian tune-up during her session.

Repairing the Fabric of the Universe

Repairing the Fabric of the Universe

Quantum healing of the future! A spiritual medical team mends epigenetic damage which had created a vulnerability at the base of the client’s brainstem. The original trauma was experienced by her father during World War II during a bombing. The actual surgery was performed on the Lightbody. Repair work goes as deep as the quantum field.