A Reason for Being
Facilitating quantum healing hypnosis sessions brings me to ikigai more than anything else I’ve ever done.
Singing Bowls for Healing
The story behind the singing bowls I use in hypnosis sessions.
The thread of attention connects our experiences to our unique sense of self. When that thread gets broken, one can get hopelessly lost. The remedy is Grace.
Connecting With Spirit Guides 101
A basic primer about spirit guides and connecting with them.
Ancestral karma
Sometimes, bright souls are born into families in order to clear ancestral karma. Here’s one story.
Reincarnation and DNA question
Reincarnation 101: Answering a question about reincarnation, the physical body, spirit and DNA.
What do people mean by DNA Activation and how many strands of DNA they have?
A science major tries to parse a common new age term and find substance in the woo-woo.
Build dwellings made to gather, not to isolate
A message from an old friend about a better way to live.
A call to healing (poem)
A poem by my sister, Pamela Holm.
Guided Imagery and Music (GIM)
A music therapy modality which has things in common with Quantum Healing Hypnosis.